Selling a Home in Grand Junction

Tips for Selling Your Home in the Fall

Most people think spring and summer are the best times to sell, but selling in the fall has several distinct advantages. On today’s show Dave and Robert talk home selling tips for fall. See the short list below and listen to the show for all the details.

  1. Even though it’s not spring or summer, you can still show what your home looks like in those seasons. Have your agent include photos of what your home and landscaping looks like during those seasons.

  2. Use a Realtor that provides 3D tours of your home. A lot of buyers tour homes after they get off work. Once it’s starts to get dark earlier, they won’t be seeing your home in the daylight. A virtual tour will show them what your home looks like during the day when it’s light and bright!

  3. Keep the leaves blown off your decks, patios and walkways.

  4. Rinse the loose dirt off your siding before the temperature drops.

  5. Embrace outdoor fall decorations to make your home have more curb appeal once your landscaping colors start to fade. Pumpkins and wreaths will add a pop of color.

  6. Fall is a great time to really showcase how your house can really feel like a home. If you have a fireplace, leave it on for showings and add throw pillows and blankets to your couch. Creating a cozy vibe will make people want to move right in!

  7. Make sure your home is light and bright! Open your curtains and blinds. Change out your light bulbs if necessary.

  8. Make sure your color palette creates a bright and cozy feel. Neutral color palettes appeal to most buyers.

  9. Consider investing in landscape lighting for those buyers who do showings in the evening.

  10. Clean your windows to allow for the most light to enter into your home.

  11. Remember to spend time on your basic home maintenance for the fall. Doing this will ensure your home is at it’s best!

  12. Switch out your HVAC filters and deep clean any areas of your home that you might have forgotten about—the cabinet under your sink, cobwebs on your ceilings, your ceiling fan blades.

The Ultimate Moving Checklist - 20 Things to Do Before Moving into a New Home

With all the excitement of a new home, it's easy to forget small tasks that need to be done before you move in. Be sure to check out this ultimate moving checklist to help you out! Putting in some extra preparation before the big day will make the process smooth and prevent undue stress. See the list below and listen to the show for extra details and tips from Dave and Robert.

  1. Make a moving day schedule for your whole family (don't forget your pets!).
  2. Plan and stick to a moving budget.
  3. Hire the right moving company, or get the right people to help you.
  4. Remember not to establish new lines of credit, like purchasing a car or all new furniture for your new home. This could interfere with your new home's financing and prevent closing!
  5. Turn on the utilities ahead of time. Call and establish electricity, water, etc. in your name.
  6. Be sure to set-up or transfer your internet and cable service ahead of time.
  7. Order an energy audit on your new home to see if there is any room for savings once you move in.
  8. Make sure to complete any needed repairs before you move, no matter how small!
  9. Do a deep clean. It's never easier to do then when your new home is empty.
  10. Replace the home's locks and put an extra key in a lockbox.
  11. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  12. Plan and do any major renovations.
  13. Consider purchasing a home warranty to cover future home repairs.
  14. Buy a fire extinguisher for every level of the home, kitchen and garage. 
  15. Create a fire escape plan with your family.
  16. Get to know your new home, including where your circuit breaker and water main shut off is located.
  17. Label your home's electrical panel. This will make things so much easier for you when you need to use it!
  18. Childproof your new home before moving in!
  19. Don't forget to update your address with the postal service and any online billing services you use.
  20. Make sure to update friends and family with your new address!

Things to Know When Researching Your Home Value Online

Chances are you've researched your home value online, but there are some things you should beforehand to make sure you're coming up with an accurate number. It is essential to use a combination of a listing agent's expertise and guidance, plus online websites to help you find your home's value. Local market information is available online, but only a listing agent can help you value the small nuances of your home. 

Listen to today's show to learn everything you need to know about researching your home value online!


Tips for Selling a Home with Pets

Do you have a dog, cat, hamster, hedgehog, or any other pet? Then this show is for you! Robert and Dave talk about how to sell your home if you own a pet. See the short list below and listen to the show for all the details!

Image Credit: Well Pet Coach

Image Credit: Well Pet Coach

Eliminate Pet Odors!

  1. Throw open the windows and air your house out

  2. Scrub the house down with odor neutralizing products

  3. Wash drapes and upholstery--these tend to hold in smells

  4. Have professionals clean your carpet and flooring

  5. You might need to replace carpet if odors are still present after cleaning

Keep Your House Smelling Great!

  1. Light a mild smelling candle before showings

  2. Control reoccurring pet odors after you've cleaned--crate your dog or keep pets outdoors if it's warm

  3. Make sure pet hair doesn't start accumulating again--vacuum and sweep often

5 Tips to Help Your Home Make an Astounding First Impression on Home Buyers

Grand Junction Real Estate Advice


We make up our minds about people within seconds of meeting them. It's no different when you're selling your home. Buyers are making a decision about your home the very first time they see it. On today's show, Robert and Dave have 5 tips to help your home create a great first impression on buyers.

See the short list of tips below and listen to the show for detailed advice.

  1. Break up with your home! Cut emotional ties with your home so it's easier to follow staging and remodel advice from your agent.
  2. Focus on curb appeal. The front of your home is the first photo people will see online. It's important that they are enticed enough to click and see more!
  3. Ask yourself, "If I was buying this home right now, what would I want changed?" Then change those things! 
  4. Clean the clutter! Open up the space in your home by clearing it of any clutter.
  5. Depersonalize your space. Packing up family photos and momentos will allow others to visualize themselves in your home.