Is It Time To Sell Your Home? If One of These 7 Things Rings a Bell, It's Time!

Deciding to sell your home is a big decision and one that is often times emotion. Today Dave and Robert talk about how to figure out if it's time to sell your home. See the short list of signs it's time to sell below and listen to the show for all the details!

Is It Time To Sell Your Home? If One of These 7 Things Ring a Bell, It's Time!
  1. Your home is starting to feel cramped! Maybe your family is growing, your closets are crammed full, or you started a new job working from home. Whatever the reason, if you're feeling tight on space and remodeling isn't an option, it's a good sign you need to upgrade to a bigger home.
  2. Your home has too much space! If the kids have moved out and you have way too many rooms, downsizing might be a great option for you.
  3. You have a lot of equity on your side. An experienced agent can run a free value analysis on your home to figure out exactly how much equity you may have. If you have enough equity to cover a 20% down payment on your next home, you will not have to pay private mortgage insurance--which saves you money in the long run!
  4. A strong overall real estate market. If you notice that the average days on market in your area is decreasing and the values are increasing, that's a good sign of a strong market and a great time to sell!
  5. Ask yourself if you can afford to sell your home. It's not free to sell your home and move to a new one. Before you consider selling, make sure you have money to not only cover moving costs, but preparing your home to sell.
  6. Your neighbors just made bank on their home. This is a good sign that you could make a lot of money on yours as well!
  7. You're tired of your neighborhood. Maybe you just need a new area to call home! Listen to your gut!