Dream Yard

7 Tips to Create and Maintain a Beautifully Landscaped Yard

When you think of your dream yard it might be spilling with flowers and lush green grass, but the reality of your current yard doesn't quite match. If you're thinking of boosting up your curb appeal with new landscaping, listen to this week's show for tips on planning your new yard plus how to keep it looking beautiful.

  1. Put heaps of love and care into your lawn. Lush, green grass is the foundation of any beautiful yard. Plus taking care of your lawn will get you a whopping 303% ROI when you go to sell!
  2. Plant with a plan! It's hard to envision your lawn 5 to 10 years from now, but planting your yard with a plan will keep your yard from turning into a jungle over the years! Research the plants that you're choosing and create a map of how to plant them. If this seems overwhelming, you can always hire a landscape architect to help you map out your landscaping so that everything will mesh together beautifully!
  3. Make sure to find your hardiness zone before planting. Hardiness zones will tell you which plants will thrive in your geographical location. Checking your zone will help you pick plants that will flourish.
  4. Don't go overboard with your favorite flower. Planting only one type of flower will only give you a short time of beautiful blooms. Pick plants that bloom during all four seasons so you always have a pop of color in your yard.
  5. Don't plant shrubs, trees or flowers too close together. They may look far apart when you first plant them but remember they will grow! Don't plant them so that they become overcrowded once they grow into their full size.
  6. Water correctly, especially in the summer! Water your plants less often, but deeply. A deep soak will allow the water to soak into the roots instead of just running off and evaporating. Remember to water in the early morning or the evening for the best results!
  7. Don't let dead plants linger! Nothing wreaks curb appeal like dead plants and overgrown weeds. Keep up with your yard maintenance to reap the ROI of the hard work you put into your landscaping.