Our landscaping needs a complete overhaul! We were in the middle of drawing up plans to revamp our front and back yard when I ran across some ideas for xeriscaping online. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it in the first place! We would love the low maintenance aspect of it since my wife and I travel a lot. The only thing is we’re thinking of downsizing in a few years. Before we take the leap and jump all in on the idea, what’s your opinion on the style and furthermore if it will turn away buyers once we go to sell.
Love your column!
Cynthia & Bob, Grand Junction
Cynthia and Bob,
I think it’s a great idea! Xeriscaping is quite popular and can be very attractive, especially in our “high desert” climate that easily lends itself to that style. The one hesitation I might have revolves around what type of home you have? If your home/neighborhood lends itself to families with younger children then I might lean toward xeriscaping in the front yard and having some grass/yard in the back. I totally get the low/no maintenance attraction, but people with younger kids tend to want a grass back yard for them to have a play area and gravel does not make the most inviting play area for younger kids!
“Xeriscaping is quite popular and can be very attractive, especially in our “high desert” climate that easily lends itself to that style.”
If you take these things into account I do not believe you will have any issues when it comes time to sell, in fact it might be a selling point to many buyers who crave the low/no maintenance yard as people's time only becomes more valuable as we all get stretched even more thin! Again, great idea and enjoy your new landscaping!
Dave Kimbrough
The Kimbrough Team